

Introduction to Electric Circuits 8th Edition - Dorf, Svoboda

The central theme of Introduction to Electric Circuits is the concept that electric circuits are a part of the basic fabric of modern technology. Given this theme, this book endeavors to show how the analysis and design of electric circuits are inseparably intertwined with the ability of the engineer to design complex electronic, communication, computer and control systems as well as consumer products.This book is designed for a one-to three-term course in electric circuits or linear circuit analysis, and is structured for maximum flexibility. 

Format: Scanned (Colour) / PDF / 906 pages / 34.5MB
Publisher: Wiley; 8 edition (January 5, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470521570
ISBN-13: 9780470521571

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials

Building on the success of five previous editions, this new sixth edition continues to present a unified approach to the study of the behavior of structural members and the development of design and failure criteria. The text treats each type of structural member in sufficient detail so that the resulting solutions are directly applicable to real-world problems. New examples for various types of member and a large number of new problems are included. To facilitate the transition from elementary mechanics of materials to advanced topics, a review of the elements of mechanics of materials is presented along with appropriate examples and problems.

Publication Year    : 2003

ISBN                   : 9780471438816

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